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Birds & the Beads There are no products in this category

The birds & the Beads 10 - Rings When spring arises and sun-kissed delights sparkle in the air, nature revives and invites you to relax and enjoy. That’s when you get rid of your winter clothes, embrace the sunlight, and ask your beloved one “Voulez-vous dancer avec moi ce soir?” with flowers in your right. After hours, while resting in those w...
The birds & the Beads 10 - Rings When spring arises and sun-kissed delights sparkle in the air, nature revives and invites you to relax and enjoy. That’s when you get rid of your winter clothes, embrace the sunlight, and ask your beloved one “Voulez-vous dancer avec moi ce soir?” with flowers in your right. After hours, while resting in those wide dreaming fields covered with morning dew, you may whisper: what a heart-warming beautiful day. Then you will do like the birds and the bees and even educated fleas; you will fall in love.